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Pontus in the Air has a unique location at Arlanda airport.

But with that location, it is not uncommon that 50 travelers are taking the same flight, which also  means that 50 stressed guests want to pay at exactly the same time.

With Maîtres, it's become possible for the staff to handle even the most stressful moments.
“Our restaurant is located at an airport and our guests are stressed, it is completely natural when you have a trip ahead of you and a flight to catch. Knowing that you do not have to wait to pay creates peace and calm. We really notice that.

In a situation where all guests are leaving on the same flight and want to pay at the same time, it becomes an impossible situation to handle without the solution that Maîtres has developed. And believe me, we are faced with such events every day.

Pontus in the Air was the first restaurant we connected to Maîtres, but after that it was a no brainer to also connect our other restaurants. And now that more and more guests have found the app and started using it more frequently, it has also become natural for the staff to work with the system. In addition, they save time of several minutes on each bill.

For me as a restaurateur, the biggest advantage is that I know that my staff can use their time wisely - and focus on the customer's experience from start to finish.

I would sum it up as Maîtres feels modern and that the users are early adopters, people with an interest in new technology and new innovations. ”

- Pontus Frithiof, restaurateur, Pontus in the Air.

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